Not a good week as far as working out goes. Sometimes things happen that we can’t control and when that happens you just need to roll with it and realize it is just a blip. Don’t let a bad week discourage or distract you from your long term goals. With that, here is my week of working out:
Sunday – 8.3 miles easy (64:20). Windy and rainy, but overall felt good considering the conditions.
Monday – 5.15 miles easy (41:51). Travel day and was hoping to get another run in when I got home but was exhausted.
Tuesday – Unplanned day off. Complete days off don’t happen much and would prefer to have it planned but such is life.
Wednesday – Morning lift (Back and Biceps) followed by a 15 minute run on treadmill (1.77 miles). Afternoon Easy Run – 5.1 miles (39:34)
Thursday – 3.15 Miles (25:54). Easy and short. Not what I imagined on this day.
Friday – 3.34 Miles (26:22). Lucky to even get this run in since we had terrible storms.
Saturday – 5.15 Miles (41:15) early in the morning. Late in the morning went to the track with the family and did a couple of 400s just for fun, but went pretty hard (74, 74). Took around 3 minutes rest between. Good to know some speed is still in my legs.