The What or the Why?

Your mind can be like a kid’s play room, cluttered with all sorts of toys that are no longer used.  With three kids I live this actuality every day, I have all sorts of trinkets, toys with missing parts, and toys I have no idea where they came from or what they are a part of.  Every now and then I clean it up and get rid of the stuff that is only taking up space and is not being used (don’t tell my kids – when I do this in front of them every toy magically becomes their favorite).  

In this day and age, where information is so freely available, don’t clog your mind with clutter that you could ask “Siri” or “Google” to look up for you.  Instead, have your brain focus on second and third order tasks, not the stuff your 5 year old can find the answer to on your phone.  For example, if some tells you “what” something is, ask “why?”

Your mind should be focusing on the “why” not the “what.” Focusing on the “why” and the process will enable you to figure out processes and systems instead of clogging you brain with useless facts that are better kept in the “cloud.”