I am four days through and am already struggling. The real struggle for me is dinner and finding something I am looking forward to eating. My selections at this point are pretty slim as I jumped into this diet on a whim and in hindsight should have done a bit more planning and research on recipes. I am hoping this comes with time. It does appear to me in my limited research that being a vegetarian versus a vegan would be considerably easier, at least from my view point.
What else have I noticed after four days? The first thing is that I am hungrier but that I also eat more if that makes sense. My energy levels have not been impacted as of yet. My wife believes she has a bit more energy. As for workouts, I have only done easy workouts so I have nothing to report back. Where I do see a difference is in my “internal flow” but that is a little TMI.
As I understand what is vegan and what is not as far as foods and build a library of recipes I think this will get easier. At least that is my hope. If you have a good recipe please send it my way.